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unable to controlの例文


  • i was unable to control my limbs in that icy water .
    私は氷点下の水の中で 体は思うようにならず
  • she was unable to control herself .
    彼女は 自分で 自分を 抑えられなくなっていたんです。
  • things god is unable to control or change ?
  • unable to control himself , gohan jumped out to save a namekseijin child .
  • i'm unable to control my emotions .
  • unable to control current situation .
    状況対処 不能
  • but if someone unable to control the seventh fonon does such a thing ...!
    そんな 素養のない人間がそんなことをしたら
  • however , when a lord was considered to have some problems in his ability to manage his vassals , he was sometimes regarded as ' unable to control his house ' and given such punishment as retirement or house confinement .